Carpal Tunnel
Worker’s compensation cases stem from several different job types, and many different ways. Usually, people assume that only jobs that require heavy labor can lead to injury, and this is incorrect. What may come as a shock to some is, office jobs can lead to injuries as well. Not only the usual slip and fall, or equipment failure, but the work alone can lead to an injury that you may be able to be compensated for; carpal tunnel syndrome. Sitting at a desk all day can lead to back pain, neck pain, and even leg pain, however, there is an intense level of stress that be added to your wrists as well. Carpal tunnel does not happen overnight, this is an injury that is gradual and thus sometimes hard to prove as a work-related injury. This is why, should you suffer any form of carpal tunnel syndrome and feel this injury came from your job, it is best to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible.
Office jobs require a lot of desk work and being on computers for extended periods of time. However, computer use happens outside of the office as well, at school, home, or the library. For this reason, it may be hard to file a claim for worker’s compensation against your employer. A personal injury attorney can help you prove to those that you feel should be held liable for your injuries, that you are hurt because of the job and nothing else. Suffering from this injury can also prevent you from being able to effectively complete your work, so it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Your job may have specific stipulations in place to avoid lawsuits from employees. Some cities or states even place carpal tunnel syndrome in a different category that avoids work-related injuries altogether. It is reasonable to want to seek damages for your injury should your carpal tunnel truly come from your job, and this is why you should speak to an attorney to discover your options before giving up no matter how hard it is to prove. An attorney will let you know if you actually have a decent case. Unfortunately, this injury can affect your life and your work, so it is okay to know. Should you or someone you know suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and have reason to believe this is due to the workplace, contact a personal injury attorney in Atlanta, GA to determine what’s the next step to take. It will never hurt you to know, but it may hurt you more not to know.
Thanks to Andrew R. Lynch, P.C. for their insight into personal injury claims and carpal tunnel.