Workplace accidents are far too common, resulting is thousands of people suffering mild, to more serious injuries every day. Injuries can range from bruising and superficial cuts, to more life-threatening conditions such as deep lacerations or brain damage. Companies must have a workers compensation insurance program in effect, in order to protect themselves and their employees. Injuries are not the only type of personal damage that constitutes a workers compensation claim. Illnesses also fall under the umbrella of conditions that can receive financial coverage.
In order to help reduce the number of workers compensation claims a company receives, an employer can enforce safety protocols and healthy working habits. It is important for an employee to communicate to management when they notice a potential threat, broken/malfunctioning machinery or expired protective gear. Below we have listed a few common ways accidents can help be prevented in the workplace:
#1 Not Taking Shortcuts
With a rushed and shortcut attitude, accidents can happen by trying to make a deadline. Do not cut corners, focus on each instruction and allow yourself plenty of time to complete tasks. Employers can help prevent employees from rushing by setting reasonable deadlines and emphasizing the negative aspects of procrastination.
#2 Safe Transportation
Driving accidents in the workplace can cost employers an average of billions of dollars per year. All company vehicles need to be inspected regularly and repairs made right away. Before driving, check turn signals, brake lights, gas amount and tire pressure.
#3 Indoor & Outdoor Precautions
Being outside or inside each has a set of possible threatening conditions for employees. Extreme heat or extreme cold can both be damaging to employee health. If workers are in very cold conditions, employers can consider installing on-site heaters. For overly hot conditions, employers can open windows, use fans, on-site air conditioners and adequate ventilation,, in addition to offering plenty of hydrating drinks.
#4 Enforce PPE
Personal Protective Equipment varies depending on the type of work, but most commonly includes goggles, face protection, gloves, hard hats, safety shoes, earplugs and earmuffs.
#5 Housekeeping
Many employees underestimate the severe negative impacts a poor workplace condition can have. If there is debri or objects on the floor, that can cause a slip and fall injury. Employers can enforce cleanliness of the work environment, to motivate employees to pick up after themselves and report dangers immediately.
Employees and employers must work together in order to create a safe and healthy workplace environment. If in the unfortunate circumstance a worker endures a workplace injury, they can file a workers compensation claim to receive benefit coverage. Coverage can help take care of medical costs, treatments and loss of pay if the injury does not permit the employee to work. If for any reason an employee feels their employer was negligent in the way their claim was handled, or is the victim of retaliation acts, he or she should consider reporting their employer or seeking the advice of an attorney such as the Port St. Lucie workers’ compensation lawyer locals turn to.
Thank you to Law Offices of Franks, Koenig, & Neuwelt for providing needed insight into workers compensation.