Chiropractic care generally involves back and neck problems, and chiropractors attempt to alleviate aches and pains throughout the neck and spine by re-adjusting muscles and bones that surround the problem area. Chiropractic care used to be considered a form of alternative medicine, but as time goes on, medical professionals have begun to recognize Chiropractic therapy as a legitimate and useful form of relieving pain. Health insurance companies used to shy away from approving services from Chiropractors, like a back pain doctor Bethesda, MD trusts. Fortunately, some insurance companies have evolved to accept Chiropractic care as an insurable form of therapy for those that are injured, and include them in various coverage plans.
Insurance for Chiropractic Care
Receiving full coverage from your health insurance for Chiropractic needs may still prove difficult. The steps below describe how you should approach your health insurance company about covering the expenses of a Chiropractor:
- Find out what is covered in your personal health insurance; a Chiropractic team may or may not be listed among approved medical providers, which means you will most likely have to pay out of pocket for any Chiropractic expenses.
- Find out if your health insurance provider is a Healthcare Management Organization (HMO), or a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO).
- Health insurance providers that identify as Healthcare Management Organizations are typically less likely to cover Chiropractic care if the Chiropractor is not listed as an approved healthcare provider in the coverage plan.
- Preferred Provider Organizations are more likely to cover costs such as Chiropractic care, even if they are not listed as approved providers. PPOs may also pay up to eighty percent of a Chiropractic fee if they are not on the approved provider list.
- If your health insurance provider will not cover your Chiropractic therapy, then it may be beneficial to find alternative ways to pay for your visits, such as financing plans provided by your Chiropractor.
- If you have talked to your health insurance provider and they will not cover Chiropractic care, talk to your medical doctor. Thoroughly fill out forms regarding your medical history, and talk to your doctor about the benefits of seeing a Chiropractor. If your medical doctor believes that Chiropractic care may be advantageous for your overall health and well-being, then your insurance company may be more inclined to provide coverage.
- Ask your medical doctor for a letter stating your back or neck problems and send it to your health insurance provider. The letter should contain documents of your medical history, and how chiropractic services will benefit your health.
- If you were injured in a car accident, talk to your automobile insurance company about possible Chiropractic treatments. If it is essential to your recovery following an accident, they will likely cover a large portion of your medical expenses.
- If you were injured in a work-related incident, talk to your employer about workers’ compensation. The laws of workers’ compensation are different in every state, but if you provide proof of your injury that occured during working hours, your company may provide coverage for your Chiropractic needs.
- Get an estimate from your Chiropractor regarding the duration of treatment that you need for your specific condition. Unfortunately, Chiropractors may come with a hefty co-pay no matter what your insurance covers.
Thanks to our friends and contributors from Pain Arthritis Relief Center for their insight into chiropractic care.