Car Accident Lawyers
Any vehicular accident can result in a number of injuries including brain and head injuries, internal injuries, broken bones, and bruising. While all of these are common, one of the injuries that many people don’t think about are lacerations caused by broken glass.
A majority of car accidents will have some degree of broken glass from the windows or mirrors. When these things break upon impact they can shatter and fly in all directions. Even though windows and windshields are designed to resist complete shattering, it is possible for this to not work in a large collision or one that involves a high amount of speed. If your injuries are the result of broken glass, you may be able to recover compensation. It is advisable to call a car accident lawyer, like a car accident lawyer in Longwood, FL, to discuss the details of your case.
Broken Glass Injuries
Although window and windshield glass typically shatters into small pieces, it is still incredibly sharp. When these pieces are thrown around, they can hit the skin and cause deep lacerations. Sometimes the glass may even become impacted into the skin. Apart from the pain, it is possible for an infection or scarring to result. In some cases, the glass can cause excess bleeding which, if left untreated, may result in severe consequences that could be life-threatening. An experienced car accident lawyer will know of victims who suffered a high amount of lacerations in a single area and were even at risk for losing a limb.
Compensation for Broken Glass Injuries
Following a car accident, you may be faced with enormous medical bills along with emotional and mental distress. If broken glass caused you harm, it may be possible to recover damages. However, this will be dependent on the circumstances of your case and who was at fault. If another person caused the accident, it is very likely that a car accident lawyer will be able to recover damages for your economic and non-economic losses. Some of these may include:
- Your related medical treatment
- Future medical care
- Cosmetic surgery or corrective surgery for scarring
- Loss of income
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
Punitive damages may also be available if a car accident lawyer believes the liable party acted maliciously or in a way that was grossly negligent. In general, these damages are only available if a case goes to trial, and only in very certain situations. A car accident lawyer can help you to understand the available damages for your case, and give an estimated amount that may be recoverable.
The damages for your pain and suffering may be extensive as a lawyer will know that:
- Shattered glass injuries tend to involve a lot of pain.
- Shallow lacerations can cause long term damage.
- Disfigurement and scarring is possible.
Generally, the more pain and suffering you have, the more you will be able to recover compensation for your losses. If you’ve been injured from broken glass in an auto accident, please call a car accident lawyer now.
Thanks to David & Philpot, P.L. for their insight into recovering damages from an injury sustained from broken glass in a car accident.